Glinks criminal practice team has extensive experience in white-collar crime, IP infringement crime and financial area crime. Our team has handled a large number of significant criminal cases in the financial area with the amount over RMB100 million in China. We are not only familiar with the Chinese criminal justice system, but also particularly familiar with the business models of different industries such as pharmaceuticals, retail, chemicals, internet and finance, and are able to provide practicable criminal defense strategies. We not only provide criminal defense on behalf of criminal suspects, but also assist in companies collecting criminal evidence and bringing forward criminal charges.
China is in the process of establishing the compliance-based non-prosecution system, which makes the establishment and implementation of company’ s criminal compliance system a vital element of the exemption of criminal liability after a criminal case occurs. Glinks lawyers help our clients to establish a full range of criminal compliance systems from all perspectives, including finance, business and human resources, and regularly assist clients in reviewing the implementation of their compliance systems.
Our Services:
● Criminal defense.
● Criminal charges, such as reporting criminal cases involving IP infringement and embezzlement.
● Representing clients for the civil part of the criminal incidental civil litigation and application for enforcement of the civil part.
● Providing trainings to companies regarding crime prevention and handling.
● Crime related crisis management.
●Assisting enterprises in establishing a full set of criminal compliance system, and reviewing of such system.
● Handling civil-criminal cross matters related to taxation, IP rights, contract performance, etc.
● Providing daily consultations on criminal law to multinational corporations and large group companies.